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February 28, 2014

Spiritualism as a Sense

I believe that Spiritualism is a sense, just like sight and hearing. If you are color blind how can you understand when someone says they see colors? If you are deaf, how can you understand when someone says they hear music and voices? The same is true of spiritual senses. If you have never seen or felt an Angel, how can you understand the reality of Angels or the feelings they provide? If you have never been visited by people who have crossed over to heaven, how can you understand that they really came to talk to you?  

The dog hears things you cannot hear. The dog can smell things you cannot smell. They are sensing reality, yet their senses are much more powerful than yours. Same with those of us who get visitations, voices, vivid dreams, and knowledge from the spirit world. It is real. You may not sense it, but that is only because our senses for these realities are much stronger.

You must simply trust us, as you trust in your dog, that we are sensing something physically real.



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