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June 14, 2013

Desire to be a Male Model

I have always desired to be a Male Model. This has been a serious desire since the beginning of my life. And from time to time, I have seriously pursued  it.

Yet, I have not made this desire public to all…until now. Up to now only a few people have known this desire. Today I express this long, deeply held desire to the world.

Male models have everything. They get to be admired for their looks. They become well known, simply from the pictures in numerous magazines and stores. They make great money.

Male models also get to travel. This is something I would love, as a way to see different places and meet different people, without spending any money of my own.

And they get to have lots of fun! They get to play different characters. They get to wear different clothes. And all the time, people are watching them and taking their pictures.

It seems to be a wonderful life. Even as a side career, it would be a wonderful thing.

If I were to start over in life, I would pursue this male modeling career fully, openly, and as my major focus. I would have developed my muscles more. I would have spent much time working on my physique.

I would also have not gone to college. Perhaps some community college here and there, but I would have skipped college altogether, and focused full time on this male modeling. However, at the time, I was brainwashed into thinking that such dreams were unrealistic. I was inundated with the belief that college education was the only means to a successful and prosperous life. And so, I neglected that idea.

But the dream has never been far. I have actually joined several modeling websites. I have created bios and sample pictures for these sites. And whenever I have seen an advertisement in a newspaper for male models (typically in the form of the Chronicle or the Guardian) I have gone.

Obviously, I have not been selected…or I would have become the male model I have desired to be.

And then there are the stores, like JC Penney’s, Dillard’s, and Kohl's. Whether in the store itself, or looking through catalogs and advertising sections, I look at the models and think “I could be them.” When I go into those stores I look at the sample pictures – of men wearing everything from polo shirts to suits to underwear. I think “I could do that” and “I would love to be one of those guys.”

Almost every time I go into one of those stores, I look at those pictures, and have those thoughts. Think about that. Think about how many times in a year I go to one of those stores to shop or browse, and the number of years since I first got the urge. Thus, the feeling is almost always there.

When the movie Zoolander came out I totally fell in love with it. Of course it is a very funny movie, but mostly…I wanted to be Zoolander.  I wanted to be like him: “professionally good looking”.  And at the time, I actually was pretty good looking. It seemed plausible.

But then the world around me made me feel different. People told me that this was a ridiculous idea. Now I know better, but I didn’t know it then.

It can take a while to get my free spirit out again…but that is only because so many environments prohibit it. I do know some people who have been able to bring my free spirit out. They provide the environment. They encourage me. When they play with me, it will come out.

And I do hope, that some day, I can be a model of some type.

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