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July 1, 2013

Dream: Path to Alberta or Saskatchewan Canada

Last night I had a clear dream about a path to Canada.

It started as a map of North America. Then there were dots appearing one by one. It was kind of like a cartoon where they show travel with dots.

The path started from where I lived, then progressed upward, then to the left, then upward more. The ending point was clearly in Canada.

I paid close attention to where that path led, and particularly to the ending point.

First thing when I got up I checked a map book I had, to try to estimate the location.

In my dream there were no borders. No state borders, not province boarders. Therefore the exact location was not entirely certain. Yet I did feel strongly that we had entered Canada.

Looking at the map, the approximate region seemed to be Alberta or Saskatchewan. The western side of Saskatchewan.

Just for fun, I decided to trace the map with my finger. This map is all of North America on one large page. And I did this still very early, wanted to make sure I was as close to my dream state as possible (though of course waking up every moment).

I put my finger on the location of my home. I closed my eyes. I remembered the path in my dream the best I could, going up, and to the left, and up again.

Opened my eyes. My finger landed on Saskatchewan. The southern area of Saskatchewan.

I performed the same operation again. Closed my eyes, traced the path from my memory. Again my finger stopped in Saskatchewan.

Then I tried using the other hand. Closed my eyes, traced the path from the memory of my dream. This time my finger landed in Alberta.

Therefore, again, I seemed to be guided to those areas of Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Then I decided to take a look closer at these regions. My first map is just an outline of states and provinces. There are no cities or details. So now I went to the detailed maps.

But first, I wanted to remember the distance upward into Canada. I noted in my dream that the path did not go deep into Canada, but only a short distance into Canada.

I looked for some reference point on my main map. Island of Vancouver looks good. In my dream, and even in my finger tracing, my path never went further north than the northern tip of Vancouver Island.

I also felt that the distance was a maximum of half way up Vancouver Island. Thus, the distance upward in Alberta- Saskatchewan region was no further than the approximate latitude of half way up Vancouver Island.

Turning to the detailed map, I noticed that Calgary (in Alberta) is about the same distance as half way up Vancouver Island. This could be a definite possibility of the exact location.

The other possible city was Lethbridge, which is just north of US-Canada border, and a bit to the east (toward Saskatchewan.

Looking at Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan seems to be less populated, and I didn’t see any city which really matched the region of my dream-finger tracing. The best choice is a town called Swift Current. The dream location was certainly not as far east as Regina or Moose Jaw.

Of course there are many other smaller towns, any one of which the spirit world was trying to show me.

So this is the approximate region of my dream: Alberta-Saskatchewan, City of Calgary or anywhere south to US-Canada Border, and no further east than Swift Current Saskatchewan.

I was clearly shown a region – in my dreams and in my finger tracing. There was a definite path leading me there.

What is there for me to find? Is this a future location for me to live? I will start to do some investigating. And I would love to hear from people who live in that region.

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