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October 25, 2014

Friction Explained Using Gravity Strings


I did some reading about Friction yesterday. I realized that most of the traditional concepts of Friction can be easily explained by my Gravity Strings. Particularly the Coefficient of Friction.

There is also something called "static friction" and "kinetic friction". The textbooks have the concepts partially right, but are in fact all mixed up. I can easily explain everything in the textbook using my new model of gravity strings and my new discoveries on energy transfer.

Amount of Friction is Number of Gravity Strings Intertwined

The amount of friction is essentially the number of gravity strings intertwined. More gravity strings intertwined will hold the two objects together more strongly. It will require more applied energy to separate the gravity strings, and therefore it will be more difficult to move one object across the other. Therefore we will observe “more friction”.

Conversely, fewer gravity strings intertwined will hold the two objects together more weakly. It will require less energy to move one object across the other. And therefore we will observe “less friction”.


Coefficient of Friction: Basic Concepts

The “Coefficient of Friction” can therefore be easily explained using gravity strings.

In traditional textbook terms, the “coefficient of friction” is the ratio of two forces holding two materials together. Thus we place two objects on top of each other, and try to push one object across the other. There will be two forces holding those objects (one force from each material). The ratio of those forces is the “coefficient of friction”.

Of course, there is a different value for the coefficient of friction for each set of two objects. Thus, “ice on ice” has a much different coefficient of friction value than “steel on asphalt”.

The textbooks have complicated explanations for this. However, we can explain this very simply using our gravity strings. As stated above, friction is caused by gravity strings between two objects intertwining. This holds the two objects together. And when more gravity strings are intertwined, the amount of energy holding the objects together will be greater. This will be observed as greater friction.

Furthermore, each material and each shape of that material will have different amounts of gravitational energy. Specifically, the density of those gravity strings and arrangement of those gravity strings will depend on the specific type of material. This will be unique to that material, in that shape.

Now we place two different materials on top of each other. Their gravity strings will intertwine. (If one material has more gravity strings than another, those other gravity strings will simply remain free). Those intertwined gravity strings will hold their two objects together. If you try to push one object, you will encounter resistance, or “friction”, which is due to this gravitational connection.

The amount of this resistance, the amount of this gravitational connection, will depend primarily on the number of gravity strings intertwined between the two objects. This is the actual physical cause for the specific “Coefficient of Friction”.

Static Friction and Kinetic Friction (textbook, then my new explanations)

Now we will discuss static friction and kinetic friction, and explain the true causes. The terms “static friction” and “kinetic friction” are textbook terms. They are somewhat correct, but mostly the concepts are much confused with respect to reality.

In brief: static friction is where you push on a book yet it still does not move. Kinetic friction is where you push on the book with enough energy to move the book, but there is still friction between the book and the table.

I can explain this with gravity strings: With static friction all the gravity strings are connected. With kinetic friction some of the gravity strings are broken (thus allowing the book to move), yet many more gravity strings remain connected – which is what holds the book back from flying completely across the table. (More specifically: new sets of gravity strings are grabbing the book and holding it back).

Motion of Objects: How Objects Actually Move

We can also explain the movement of the book with my new models of energy transfer. (I have already written about these new concepts of energy transfer and motion of objects in other books and articles).

You push the book with your hand. This causes energy strings to transfer from your hands to the book. More specifically, the energy strings transfer from the molecules in your hand to the molecules in the book.

Note how motion occurs in my new discoveries: energy strings enter the insides of molecules. There, the energy strings push on these atoms, propelling forward. When enough atoms have enough internal energy, these energy strings will actually push the object forward.

Gravity Strings Hold the Objects Together

On the other hand, there are always gravity strings which connect objects together (such as the book to the desk). Therefore in order to get the book to move across the desk, the molecules must have enough energy to break free from all of the gravity strings, and thus can propel the book forward.

Static Friction: Gravity Strings Energy Greater Than Internal Energy

Thus: the “static friction” exists because all the gravity strings are intertwined. And though we keep pushing on the book, it is not enough energy to break free from the gravity strings. Thus, the book stays in place.


Moving Book Across Desk:
Internal Energy Enough to Separate Gravity Strings

Yet if we apply enough energy to the book, then the molecules within the book will have enough internal energy to break free from the gravity strings. Now the book can move forward.

How much the book will move forward will depend on a) the amount on internal energy in the book, and b) the number of gravity strings extending from desk and from book. This is where we can better understand “kinetic friction” in terms of gravity strings.


Kinetic Friction: Gravity Strings Holding the Objects Together
While One Object Moves

In free space, the book would move forward forever. However, we have gravity strings which can become intertwined. These gravity strings are constantly grabbing onto each other. This is what causes objects to fall to the Earth. And this is also what causes friction between two objects which are already touching.

Returning to our book on the desk: We have applied enough energy to the book, so that that the book propels itself forward. The book has enough internal energy to break away from all gravitational connection (all gravity strings are now separated).

HOWEVER, there are gravity strings extending from all regions of the desk. And there are always those gravity strings extending from the book. Therefore, there will be gravity strings intertwining no matter where the book travels along the desk. THIS IS THE “FRICTION” WHICH HOLDS THE BOOK BACK.

These gravity strings will intertwine, and the book and desk will pull together. This is the reason why the book slows down, and eventually stops moving.

If we apply enough energy, then this book can separate from those new gravity strings before any significant pulling takes place. The book will simply slide along. However, at some point the gravity strings will manage to intertwine and pull book to desk. Eventually the energy of the book will be no match for the total energy of the gravity strings, and therefore the book stops.

This is the process of “Friction”…as better understood with gravity strings and energy transfer.


Static Friction: Reality versus Textbook

It is important that I clarify reality versus textbook discussions of static friction. The textbook discussions are absolutely confused.

Typical textbook discussion says: Static Friction is when you apply energy to the book, yet the book does not move. In reality, there are several things going on here:

1 .The true “static friction” has nothing to do with the energy you apply. The true static friction is the gravitational connection between the gravity strings of the book and the desk. The true static friction exists because the maximum possible gravity strings which can be intertwined are indeed intertwined. This value exists regardless of how much energy you apply to the book.

2. The textbook has the term “Static Friction – Maximum” or “Force of Static Friction – Maximum”. They are on the right track here, but not quite understanding it. There is indeed a “maximum”. This is the maximum possible number of gravity strings intertwined between the book and the desk. Thus, that value is correct.

However, to say that this value depends on the amount of energy you apply before making the book move is not exactly correct.

Yet, we can make the correlation: since there is a specific amount of gravitational energy holding the book to the desk, then we must add that same amount of applied energy to be equal to that value. This would be, as textbooks say, the maximum amount of energy applied before the book actually moves. So there is a correlation here. Yet it isn’t the real, fundamental reason. More importantly, any value which differs from this Maximum cannot be correlated with reality.

3. The textbook says that when you apply enough energy to the book the book will move. This is of course true. And then the textbooks talk about “kinetic friction” (because the book is moving) rather than “static friction (because the book was not yet moving).

Just remember that in reality the “friction” comes from the intertwined gravity strings. The applied energy is what causes the one object to slide across the other. These are two separate concepts.


Coefficient of Static Friction and of Kinetic Friction, Additional Details

The textbooks often state two values for Coefficient of Friction: Coefficient of Static Friction and Coefficient of Kinetic Friction. I would like to clarify reality from the textbook discussions.

The main points are these:
1. Coefficient of Static Friction is True and Absolute
2. Coefficient of Kinetic Friction is relative – depends on internal energy, speed of the one object moving across the other.
3. Also, the word “maximum” in static friction is indeed a maximum, but for different reasons than commonly stated.

Amount of Friction is Number of Gravity Strings Intertwined (reviewed)
Remember that the amount of friction is essentially the number of gravity strings intertwined. More gravity strings intertwined will hold the two objects together more strongly. It will require more applied energy to push one object across the other. It will be more difficult to move one object across the other. Therefore we will observe “more friction”. Conversely, fewer gravity strings intertwined will hold the two objects together more weakly. It will require less energy to move one object across the other. And therefore we will observe “less friction”.

Also remember that each material has a particular density of gravity strings. Thus, when you put one material on top of the other, all the possible gravity strings will intertwine. (When one object has more strings than another, those strings will remain free).

This means that when two objects have many intertwined gravity strings, the pull between them will be very strong. This will result in a Large Value for Coefficient of Friction. Conversely, when two objects only have a few intertwined gravity strings, the pull between them will be weak. This will result in a Small Value of Coefficient of Friction.

Coefficient of Static Friction
The Coefficient of Static Friction is an absolute, and it is accurate. However the reality should be clarified. As described above the static friction is based on the total number of gravity strings which are intertwined between two objects. This keeps the two objects together.

This number is based on the maximum number of gravity strings intertwined for those two materials. This is where the true meaning of “maximum” exists, and not in the “maximum push before moving”.

However, the value can be determined by pushing one object, until just before it moves. This correlation exists because the internal energy and gravitational energy of the intertwined strings are now equal. Just be sure you understand the difference between a correlation and the true cause.

This number only makes sense under these conditions:
1. The two objects are laying across each other. (If you lift one object above the other, then some strings will separate, and this value has no meaning).
2. Also, this number only makes sense when the two objects are stationary.

Coefficient of Kinetic Friction
The Coefficient of Kinetic Friction is only a partially meaningful number. The basic textbook concept is to get an idea of the friction between two particular objects…as one object is sliding across the other.

This number is based on the number of intertwined gravity strings between the two objects…at any one moment in time.

Remember that in order to move forward the gravity strings connecting the two objects must separate. (This is done as the moving object propels forward). However, the stationary material will continue to have the same density of gravity strings spread throughout the object. And therefore the moving object will continue to encounter gravity strings of the stationary object (just in different locations) and thus will be held back. This is the “friction” observed as one object moves across another.

For example, the desk will have the same density of gravity strings extending from all regions of the desk. Therefore as the book breaks free from one set of gravity strings, and slides forward, this book will encounter additional gravity strings in other sections of the desk. These gravity strings will pull the book and table together, which essentially pulls the book to the table. This is the friction as one object moves across another.

Therefore this Coefficient of Kinetic Friction is never an absolute value. It depends on how many gravity strings are intertwined at any moment in time. This means that the value really only has meaning when we know the exact speed, or the internal energy, of the one object sliding across the other.

However, we are still only considering the gravity strings between those two objects, and no others. Thus the concept of the Coefficient of Friction – in general – can actually work.

Coefficient of Friction: General Use
However, we are still only considering the gravity strings between those two objects, and no others. Thus the concept of the Coefficient of Friction – in general – can actually tell us the degree of friction or gravitational connection between those two objects. If used properly, this value can guide us, and help us make comparisons.


Friction Between Two Objects
and Gravity Connecting Objects to the Earth

The causes of friction and the causes which hold an object to the Earth are similar, but slightly different. Both are caused by gravitational connection – specifically the gravity strings which are intertwined. However, the specific set of gravity strings which are intertwined are different. And they exist at the same time.

We are also talking about different motions for our object. Friction is observed when the object is already on the ground, and we push it forward, yet the gravity strings hold it back. Traditional gravity is observed when the object is lifted above the ground and let go, then the gravity strings pull the object downward. Similar, but slightly different.

Example of Book on the Table
Let us take an example of the book on the table. The book is gravitationally connected to the table, yet the book is also gravitationally connected to the Earth.

All three objects have gravity strings. Therefore any two gravity strings of any two objects can intertwine, and become gravitationally connected. Therefore between the book and the table there are gravity strings which are intertwined. These gravity strings pull the book to the table, and pull the table to the book.

Yet at the same time the book has plenty of other gravity strings which can be connected to the gravity strings of any other object. This includes a pencil on top of the book, or the Earth which exists below the table. Therefore, the book has some gravity strings connected to the Earth, while the book also has other gravity strings connected to the table. Set a pencil or a stapler on top of the book and additional gravity strings of the book will become intertwined with those objects as well. These sets of intertwined gravity strings co-exist at the same time.

The lengths of the gravity strings will of course differ, as will the densities (as explained in my book on Gravity Strings). This becomes important when separating objects.

Lifting the Book off of the Table
Before we look again at pushing the book across the table, let us talk about lifting the book off the table.

Notice that when we lift the book of off the table we are in the process of separating two sets of gravity strings. We are stretching and separating the set of gravity strings between the desk and the book…and we are also stretching the set of gravity strings between the Earth and the book.

If we want to separate the gravitational pull of the table, then we must separate all gravity strings which connect the table to the book. Thus we lift the book high enough above the table to accomplish this.

However, the gravity strings which connect the Earth to the book are much longer. (Most gravity strings from the Earth extend several hundred feet into the air, at their shortest lengths, and millions of miles at their longest lengths). Therefore even when we completely separate the gravitational connection between book and table, we will still have gravitational connection between the book and the Earth. This is why no matter how far up we raise the book, if we let go, then the book and Earth will come together again.

Friction versus Traditional Gravity
Now we can return to Friction and compare it to Traditional Gravity. The mechanisms for pushing the book across the table is similar to lifting the book off of the table, just in a different direction. Also note that the connection between Earth and book remain together even when we manage to move the book forward.

Whenever two objects are gravitationally connected, and we want to move one object forward, there is only one way to do it: the desired object must be given enough additional energy to break away from the gravity strings. (Details and examples are discussed in my book “Introduction toGravity Strings”). When this occurs, the desired object has more internal energy than gravitational energy, and the object will propel itself away from gravity strings of the other object.

For example: we push a book forward by transferring enough energy to the book, such that the book is able to propel itself forward (all objects are really self-propelled), away from the gravity strings of the other object.

If there is enough applied energy, then the object will be completely free. However, there is almost always some object nearby, with gravity strings which will intertwine with our free object, and the two objects will be pulled closer together. When this occurs for an object in the sky above Earth, we call it “Gravity”. When this occurs for one object sliding along another, we call it “Friction”. Yet it is essentially the same thing.

Separating One Set of Strings But Not The Other
Another thing to consider regarding friction is that when one object slides over another we are separating the gravity strings between those two objects. We only need to separate the gravity strings between those two objects, and not any other objects.

Therefore, we can separate gravity strings between the book and the table, and propel the book forward…and yet at the same time the gravity strings are still connected between the book and the Earth.

Similarly, we can put a stapler on the book and push both along. The stapler is gravitationally connected to the book (and to the earth of course). When we push the book the stapler can go along for the ride. The sliding is only done between the book and the desk; the stapler and the book retain their own gravitational connection.


Temperature and Heat in Friction
The concepts of temperature and heat as related to friction really need more thought and discussion. However, here are few initial thoughts which come to mind.

Temperature Increase in Friction
The Temperature increase in friction occurs when we keep adding energy, and yet there still is not enough to break free from the gravitational connection. Temperature is of course the measurement of kinetic energy, and thus as we apply more energy to the object, the temperature will increase. This is the case whether the object is moving or not.

Heat Coming Off, and Melting in Friction
The heat which may come off is different. Heat is a type of energy transfer. Thus, if the energy we add is not allowing the object to break free of the gravity strings, then the energy may be exhibited in other ways. This includes cracks or melting (where the internal energy breaks the atoms and molecules apart). This could also be in the release of energy strings into the air, which we call “heat”.


Concluding Thoughts

I realized yesterday that Friction is simply another version of Gravity.

In both cases, there are gravity strings which intertwine and hold the two objects together.

In both cases, to get the object to move we must separate the intertwined gravity strings, and this requires adding enough energy to one of the objects.

In both cases, the gravity strings are the entities holding the moving object back, while at the same time that object is trying to move forward.

I love the idea that Friction can be explained using gravity strings. Being able to explain Friction this way makes it so much more sensible. And it offers additional support for the Gravity Strings Model.

Now that we can understand Friction in this way, imagine what we can do with future innovations.







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