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July 10, 2015

Universal Energy: Amount, Shape, Swim Rates

I believe that there is a “Universal Energy”, from which all other forms of energy are derived.
I believe that there is a “universal energy”. This is the main entity that “is” energy. All the variations of energy are permutations of this one energy.

If we manipulate this “universal energy” in different ways, this will result in the different energies we know (such as electric, magnetic, and gravitational).

I further conclude that the same structure and composition of the “universal energy” which creates electrical energy etc. will also affect two other properties: swim rate, and mass density.

For example, in order to get electrical energy, we manipulate the universal energy in a specific way. This is how we create the electrical energy from the universal energy. At the same time, the very physical structure which creates “electrical energy” will also affect the swim rate of the electrical energy units, and thus the overall flow rate of the electrical energy string.

Furthermore, this same physical composition of universal energy which create the form known as electrical energy…will also affect how easy it is to create mass, and therefore affect the mass density.

These same general factors exist for all types of energy currently known to science, including: nuclear binding energy, electric energy, magnetic energy, and gravitational energy. Each one of these energies is actually a specific form of the “universal energy”. By manipulating the universal energy in particular ways we get each type of energy. In addition, these forms of the universal energy will also affect the swim rate of the energy units; the overall flow rate of the energy; and the density of mass spots. We will explore all of these ideas in the following article.

“Universal Energy”
Before we proceed further, I must introduce the concept of “universal energy”. If all fundamental types of energy can be converted into the others, then there must be some type of energy which is common to all these energies. There must be a single “universal energy”, which can then be manipulated in various ways, to create each of the other types of energies.

I actually have a theory for the nature of this universal energy, but I will not discuss it at this time.

Yet at this time we can declare that this universal energy exists. And from this universal energy, we can create the other types of energies.

Differences in the Energy Units
What makes the difference in these energy units? There are several possibilities, and combinations of these possibilities may be involved. The three main factors which may vary from one type of energy to another are:

1. More Universal Energy in Each Energy Unit
2. Different Physical Structures
3. Energy Fish Can Swim at Different Rates

We will describe each of these factors below. Note that #1 and #3 may be related. Also note that we will be spending the majority of the article discussing effects from #3, in conjunction with #1.

1. More Energy per Unit
Just there are smaller fish and larger fish, there may also be smaller energy units and larger energy units. If we put more of the “universal energy” together into one “energy fish”, then this will produce a larger energy fish. This may in fact perform as a different type of energy.

2. Different physical structure, different geometric shape
The universal energy may also come in different physical structures, in different geometric shapes. We know that materials made of the same chemical, when crystallized into different geometric shapes, will have different properties. The same could be said of our energy types. Thus, if we not only have different amounts of the universal energy, but shape that universal energy into different ways, then we can create energy objects which have different physical properties.

As an analogy, consider the art of origami. Starting with the same piece of paper, we can create a variety of shapes and objects. The same is true of our Universal Energy in the creation of all other types of energy. We begin with our universal energy, then manipulate that energy in a similar way that we shape a sheet of paper. The result is a 3-Dimensional structural shape of energy.

Thus, if we shape the universal energy in different ways, similar to the way we shape a sheet of paper in different ways, then we will get a variety of different shapes of energy. Each of these different 3-Dimensional shapes of energy will be one of the main differences between each type of specific energy.

Also remember that these different shapes of energy are the different shapes of our energy units, the different shapes of our “energy fish”. Each energy unit is “folded” in this specific shape, and propels itself forward, along with all the other similarly shaped energy units.

Therefore: if we put the universal energy units into different geometric shapes, yet still in the general form of energy fish that vibrate, with energy strings as collective gatherings of these energy units…then we may in fact get energy which acts in different ways. We may have one of the reasons for the difference between electric, magnetic, and gravitational energies.

3. Swimming at Different Rates
One of the most significant differences between types of energy fish is the rate at which they swim. Consider the action of a fish. The fish wiggles back and forth. The fish can also propel itself forward. Yet what is the rate at which this fish wiggles? What is the rate at which this fish propels forward?

I believe that the rate at which the energy fish wiggles, the rate at which that energy fish swims, is a major factor in the type of energy produced.

This will be noticed on a larger scale, when we have many of these energy fish units swimming together.

Thus: if the energy units swim slowly, then the energy string (a school of that energy fish) will undulate slowly. Then, when we consider a large object composed solely of collective energy strings, this object of collective energy strings will be observed undulating slowly and moving slowly.

Conversely, if the energy units swim faster, then the energy string (school of those energy fish) will undulate faster. When objects are composed entirely of this collective energy units, these objects will appear to undulate faster.

On the level of individual field strings: the difference between electric, magnetic, and gravitational energies could be as simple as the rate at which the individual energy units swim…and thus the rate at which the energy strings composed of those energy units seems to undulate.

Amount of Universal Energy and the Resulting Swim Rate
Note that the swim rate may in fact be related to the amount of universal energy in the energy unit (energy fish). When more of the “universal energy” is compacted into one energy fish, this may allow that energy fish to wiggle and swim at higher rates.

Taken Together: The Differences Between Specific Energy Types
Now let us consider all the factors together which make each specific type of energy. We begin with the “Universal Energy”. This is the basic energy which we use to create all other types of energy. We then use three factors to create the specific types of energy which are derived from this universal energy.

First we add different amounts of universal energy into one energy unit. Just as we can add more flour to a recipe and get different results, if we add more energy and compact that energy into one energy unit, we can get different results.

We already know that some types of energy seem to be stronger than others. For example, nuclear binding energy seems to be very strong, whereas gravitational energy seems to be very weak. We can now explain this observation as the amount of “universal energy” which is placed into each energy unit of type.

Then we can take that total amount of energy, and shape it in different ways. We can fold and manipulate this energy in a variety of different ways, resulting in highly complex 3-Dimensional structures. (And in some cases possibly 4-Dimensional and 5-Dimensional structures).

Each of these complex shapes are composed of the universal energy, only with different amounts of that energy and shaped in different ways. Yet the energy will cause the energy unit to propel itself forward…as a specific type of “energy fish”.

Finally we consider the swim rate of the energy unit. Each of these structures is composed of the basic “universal energy”, and therefore will propel itself forward. The universal energy in the structure will cause the energy fish to wiggle, and to propel itself forward. Yet the rate at which this energy fish wiggles and moves forward depends on 1) the amount of universal energy in that particular structure, and 2) the particular origami shape of that particular structure.

With more universal energy, the particular energy type will wiggle faster, and propel faster. With less universal energy, the particular energy type will wiggle slower, and propel itself more slowly.

The effect of the structural shape of the energy unit is more difficult to generalize. However it is clear that the different energy flows of any structure will affect the overall vibration and rate of motion of that objects. This is true whether we are talking about vehicles, particles, or the structures of our energy units.

Swim Rate and Types of Energy
Now we are ready to discuss the correlation between swim rate and type of energy. As discussed above, the swim rate – including both the wiggle and the rate of propelling itself forward – depends on two factors: the amount of universal energy in the energy fish; and the structure of the energy shape (and thus the flow paths of the energy in the structure). Of the four most common energy types, the order of swim rate is as follows: nuclear; electrical; magnetic; gravitational.

Nuclear Energy Swim Rate
The nuclear energy fish have the greatest amount of universal energy. They are also shaped in a way which allows the nuclear binding between nuclei to be very strong. These energy fish, I believe, are somewhat stocky in shape.

When free, these energy fish have an extremely high swim rate. In fact I believe it is partially due to this fast swim rate that the particles are held together: the energy fish swim very fast round and round between the two particles, and hence keep the particles from moving apart.

However, we do not usually see these energy units, because most of them are busy holding the nuclei together. The energy with the fastest swim rate that we usually observe is the electrical energy fish.

Electrical Energy Swim Rate
The electrical energy fish have the next greatest amount of universal energy, and therefore the next fastest swim rate. We know that electrical energy has an extremely high swim rate because of the rate at which electrical energy travels.

For example electrical current in a high voltage wire travels close to the speed of photons in the air. Lighting is electrical current which can travel thousands of feet in a fraction of a second. Glitches in electronics are caused by energy strings which jump from one wire to a neighboring wire. Each of these activities for electrical energy strings occurs extremely quickly. Therefore we can be certain that the electrical energy fish have extremely high swim rates – wiggling quickly, and propelling through empty space at extremely fast speeds.

Magnetic Energy Swim Rate
The next in the list of swim rates is the magnetic energy. I place the swim rate of the magnetic energy down here because it seems to me that the magnetic energy does not do much independent traveling. Consequently, this means that the magnetic energy fish have a much slower swim rate than other energy types.

As I study magnetic energy, it seems that magnetic energy stays mostly in permanent loops. Whether loops around the earth, or loops around a small magnet, it seems that much of the magnetic energy is essentially fixed in one place. Of course it can move on its own, and in some cases does move away from the source, yet this is not the majority of the cases involving magnetic energy.

Therefore, what I envision for most cases of magnetic energy is a series of loops, composed of magnetic energy fish, flowing in a continuous circle, almost forever. These magnetic energy fish will tend to stay in their loops precisely because they do not have the swim rate that electrical energy has. Less likely to swim off in another direction. The net result is similar to a gentle flowing river; the magnetic energy fish tend to stay as a group, and continue to flow around the source as a continuous stream.

However, the magnetic energy fish do have significant energy. Their energy is enough provide a continuous flow. Furthermore, in many cases, the flow of the magnetic energy fish in these loops is fast enough to be blockade for incoming energies and micro particles.  

Gravitational Energy Swim Rate
The gravitational energy fish have the slowest swim rates of all the known energy types. This is obvious from what we know about gravitational energy. Gravitational energy is the weakest energy. It is exists as thin, wispy strings. Clearly, the energy fish in each gravity string have very little of the universal energy (compared to magnetic and electrical energy). Consequently, the gravitational energy fish also have a slow swim rate. They wiggle much more slowly, and they propel themselves more slowly. This causes the gravity strings to be wispy, and wave in the air very gently.

Concluding Thoughts
I have studied Energy in a variety of forms. During my many years of study and insights, I have come to believe that there is a Universal Energy, from which all other forms of energy are derived. By aggregating the universal energy in different amounts, and manipulating the structure of the universal energy into various 3-D structures (and 4-D, 5-D structures) we can create each specific type of energy.

In addition to creating the specific types of energy, these methods also create the amount of energy per energy fish, as well as the swim rate. This, I believe, is the reason why electrical energy has such high energy and moves quickly; gravitational energy has lower energy and moves slowly; while magnetic energy is relatively constant and stable.

Next article: Relation of Amount of Universal Energy per Unit, and the Resulting amount of Mass Spots

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