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January 28, 2018

What is Truth?

Author note: this blog article is a chapter from my upcoming book on Spiritual Truths. It is a book on Metaphysical Realities based on evidence, logic, and personal experiences.

What is Truth?
            What is Truth? Is there really one Truth? Or are there several truths at the same time? The answer is as it has always been:

There is only ONE TRUTH.

            In any topic, in any event, there is only One Truth. Whether it is a topic of science or spirituality, there is One Truth. All the other “truths” are not inherent truths, but different perspectives of the One Truth.

            What is the difference then? Why are there so many versions of the truth? Remember, any differences of truths are variations of a more complete truth. Specifically, the variations of truths arise from these causes:

            1. Understanding of the One Truth

            2. Perspectives of the One Truth

            All variations of truths, whether in science, spirituality, or society, are simply based on either the different understandings, or the different perspectives, of the Absolute Truth.

Analogy of the Stop Sign

            In order to better understand the variation of smaller truths, in comparison to the One Truth, we will use the Analogy of the Stop Sign.

            We bring several people to the same place, where a Stop Sign is posted. Yet none of them have ever seen such a thing before. How will they interpret what they see?

1.    One person notices the Shape. The geometry fascinates him. A very unusual shape.

2.    The second person notices the Color. Bright red it is. Very striking. Not like any colors nearby.
3.    The third person notices how shiny it is. Seems almost to reflect the sun.

4.    The fourth person actually touches the sign. He notices it is made of some type of metal. Sturdy, yet thin. He ponders what this material could be.

5.    The fifth person notices strange markings on the sign. Could they be letters? What does it say? He interprets the markings as a word that means “Stop”.

6.    The sixth is behind the sign. He sees no words or colors. Looks dull grey to him. He doesn’t see the colors, shiny reflection, or markings that others see. He does see the outline of the shape though.

7.    The seventh person is on the side. All he sees is a slim piece of something. It is much too thin for him to tell what it is.

8.    The eighth person is interested in the post. He doesn’t care about what is on the post. To him, the post is the most important thing, for without the post, there would be no object on the post. He wants to know what it is made of and why it is here.

After this, the men are taken back to their community. Each of them give a presentation regarding what he saw.

The people in the room listen to each person, yet become confused. They hear 8 different descriptions, of what is supposedly the same thing. Who is right? They can’t all be right. (Most people don’t realize there is a Greater Truth). Therefore, each person decides which perspective he likes best, and chooses that description as the most likely “truth”.

From this choice, groups of people emerge who develop their own organizations. These groups are based on the beliefs of their assumed truth. There is one group devoted to the shape; another group devoted to the color; another devoted to the existence of the post. And yet another dismissing the entire thing because all he saw was a thin piece from the side.

Each of the single observations, from each limited perspective, is then extrapolated to all things in the universe. All things are geometry. All things are color. All things are posts. All things are metal.

Yet the men are extrapolating beyond the observations, in ways that veer far from reality. From a limited understanding of the Truth, each group evolves a conception of reality which is very far from the Truth.

This is how the different religions form. It is also how the different scientific paradigms are created. Similarly, many “truths” about causes of social problems develop from the same process. They are all based on one limited view of the Truth, then extrapolated beyond reality.

But what really happened? Is only one of these initial truths correct? Are the truths of the other witnesses false? Of course not! All of these truths are correct. They are just smaller truths of the One Absolute Truth. They are different perspectives of the One Truth. They are each limited in their understanding of the One Truth.

When you have a full understanding of the One Truth, when you can put all the perspectives together, you will see that there is a much larger Truth. You will begin to see the Absolute Truth.

In this case, all the smaller truths will be put together to understand the Absolute Truth of the “Stop Sign”.

What is Truth? For any topic, for any event, there is One - and Only One - Absolute Truth. Everything else is just one of the smaller truths. The variation exists from limited perspectives and limited understanding.

Meaning of the “One Truth” and “Absolute Truth”
as used in this Book

       It is a proper time now to clarify the meaning of “One Truth” and “Absolute Truth” as used in this book. The “One Truth” or the “Absolute Truth” is the total Truth, the absolute Reality, of any one topic or event. If we could know everything there is to possibly know about one topic, or one event, and put it together in a greater whole, this would be the “Absolute Truth”. The One Truth.
       Note that there is an Absolute Truth for each topic, and for each event. Therefore the One Truth is a term applied to each one of the topics discussed in the book. The term can also be applied to all aspects of science.
       The term will also apply to all social situations, including causes and effects for all things existing in our society. For each of these, there is also one absolute truth.
       It is also important to note that the term “One Truth” will not be used for any particular religion, or any one particular view of God.

Instead, the terms “One Truth” and “Absolute Truth” will be used for each one of the topics related to spirituality. There will be an Absolute Truth for topics such as Karma, Metaphysical Beings, and so on.  
There is an Absolute Truth for each of these topics. We may not fully understand that truth yet. However, we will attempt to get as close as we can to the Absolute Truth on each of the metaphysical realities.

      *Author note: this blog article is a chapter from my upcoming book on Spiritual Truths, based on evidence, logic, and personal experiences.

Mark Fennell
Jan 28, 2018


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