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June 17, 2018

Heat and Light

Heat and Light

“Heat” and “Light” are two of the most talked about items in physics. These two items are both methods of energy transfer, and therefore exist as the cause or products of numerous processes. Yet these concepts are often presented in vague terms, and often misunderstood. We can here specify clearly exactly what heat and light actually are.

(1) “Heat” is the free flow of Energy Strings.

(2) “Light” is the emission of the Photon System (energy strings as passengers).

One or both may be released in many physical processes.

Energy Strings Being Transferred
Energy, as a physical form, exists as the Energy String. There are four main types of Energy Strings in physical processes. These are: Gravity, Electric, Magnetic, and Nuclear. The main energy types transferred are electric and magnetic.
Therefore when energy is transferred, this means that these Energy Strings are being transferred from one location to another.
There are two main ways to transfer these energy strings: free energy strings transferred (usually after particle collisions), or energy strings riding on a photon core. The first method is known as “heat”. The second method is known as “light”.

Heat as Energy Strings
The term “heat” in science implies the transfer of energy. Scientists have known this for years, though different ideas on what this means. Earlier scientists considered heat to be a type of fluid, which flows from place to place. This author believes that heat exists as energy strings, which do indeed flow similar to a fluid.
All particles are driven by energy strings inside the particle. These energy strings are primarily Magnetic and Electric. Therefore, when particles collide, some of these energy strings will be shaken out of each particle. Now we have free magnetic strings and free electric strings floating through the air.
These free energy strings are now known as “heat”. Thus all “heat” which has previously been described in physical processes is now understood to be these free energy strings.
Of course the energy strings will usually be absorbed quickly. After a particle collision, the energy strings are shaken out, and become “heat”; yet the proximity of the particles means that these energy strings will be quickly reabsorbed by the nearby particle.
This is, for example, how friction creates increase in temperature. Proximity of particles during friction events will result in fast energy transfer. This results in the quick rate of temperature increase for one or both substances. In other words, the “heat” of the energy strings leaving one object will quickly enter the other object, and raise the temperature accordingly.
This type of energy transfer is quite common in stars. As atoms collide, the energy strings are transferred. The amount of strings at that moment will then indicate possible frequency of photon emitted. The atom may of course collide with other atoms without emitting any photon, in which case the “heat” is transferred from place to place throughout the star.

Temperature vs Heat
We should also note that there is a difference between Temperature and Heat. We can understand “temperature” as the amount of internal energy of the particles at the moment. We can understand “heat” to be the transfer of energy from one particle to the next.
Stated another way, temperature is the average energy at that moment, while heat is the transfer of that energy. Thus “gaining heat” (absorbing energy strings) will “increase the temperature” of the particles, while “losing heat” (escaping energy strings) will “decrease the temperature” of the particles.  

Light as the Emission of the Photon System
The second way in which most energy strings are transferred is the Photon System. Using this system, the energy strings are passengers on a high speed photon core. This allows the energy strings to be transferred over very long distances in a short amount of time.
Rather than free energy strings being shaken out of one particle and then entering nearby particles (“heat”), the photon system launches a particle with energy strings attached.
This photon system will usually travel a long distance before being absorbed by another particle. Once absorbed, many of the energy strings are pulled off the photon, and become internal energy strings of the new particle. Thus, at this moment the energy strings have been transferred.

Heat vs Light - and Distance
Note that photon system is effective for transferring energy strings over long distances. The distance traveled depends of course on the thickness and density of the source material. This is why many photons will be re-absorbed many times in the star before being fully emitted from the outer layers. Yet once emitted from the surface layers, the photon system will travel for millions of miles to its next destination.
The heat mechanism generally travels short distances. This is because the free energy strings are released during collision, which means there are particles nearby to absorb quickly.
Furthermore, the mechanisms to emit are different. The heat mechanism involves shaking of the particle after a collision, which allows many energy strings to be released. The photon system mechanism involves a type of rocket launch; no collision is required, and in fact there I often space between particles. Therefore, the heat mechanism will encounter a second particle quickly, whereas the photon mechanism will not encounter a second particle until much later.

May 2018



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